ISBA-Workshop: 'Aerogel Insulation for Aerospace and Industrial Applications' on April 24, 2025 

As part of the EU-funded project ‘Insulation Solutions Based on Aerogels (ISBA)’, the Center for Applied Energy Research (CAE) invites you to a one-day workshop on April 24, 2025.
Please register using the registration options below. Clicking on the registration button should open a ready-made e-mail in your e-mail program. If not, please send us an e-mail with the subject: “ISBA Workshop”.

- Registration fee: 110.- Euro.

Important information: 
By participating in the Workshop: Insulation Solutions Based on Aerogels (ISBA) 2025, you agree that the personal data you provide will be processed by CAE. We need this data to carry out the event, e.g. to send further information, planning and organization. Your data will be stored until all organization and communication relating to the event has been completed. This includes, in particular, notification of a follow-up event via the e-mail address you have provided. You can of course object to this storage for notification purposes. Your data will not be processed for any other purposes.
Furthermore, photos and video recordings will be made at the event, e.g. showing you during a presentation or similar. These will be used for illustration and advertising purposes, whether in printed or online media. You may also object to this use at a later date. The photos and videos will not be used in print or online media from that point on and will be taken offline as soon as possible.

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