Hydrogen Lab

The widespread use of hydrogen in various applications requires an intensive characterization of thermal properties as well as the exact analysis of processes in solid state and surface physics for efficient and safe use. The hydrogen laboratory of CAE, which supports start-ups, SMEs as well as large companies in such questions, offers a comprehensive metrology of material properties under contact with hydrogen.

The Hydrogen Lab - Powerful Hydrogen Enabler for Research and Application

    The Hydrogen Laboratory at CAE, which is unique in Germany, is dedicated to the thermophysical characterization of materials and components used in hydrogen technology. With its full range of equipment, it enables, among other things, the determination of thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, reaction enthalpies and mass changes under hydrogen atmosphere.
    The laboratory has extensive knowledge in the field of occupational safety and is also available to provide support in this area.
    The steadily increasing measurement competence in the field of hydrogen is to be aggressively disseminated in the Bavarian and German hydrogen community and in this way serve as an enabler for the transformation to a climate-neutral supply.

Your contact

Dipl.-Phys. Frank Hemberger
Dipl.-Phys. Frank Hemberger

Tel.: +49 (0) 931 70564-326

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