Synthesis - Sol-gel synthesis laboratory - Autoclaves for supercritical drying, equipment for defined convective drying - Tube and chamber furnaces for processes in air or defined atmosphere (up to 1250 °C) and under inert gas (up to 1800 °C)
Structural characterization - Scanning electron microscope with EDX, electron beam lithography option, heating table up to 1500 °C, push/pull module - Gas adsorption systems with optional sample holders for in-situ dilatometric measurements (gases and vapors) - Helium pycnometry - Dynamic light scattering for particle size analysis for (particles < 6 μm) - Small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (structures <100 nm, suitable for solids, powders and systems in liquids, the method is also suitable for in-situ characterization, BatteryCell for in-operando characterization of electrochemical systems) - Beam-bending on wet gels
Water absorption & gas transport - Precision balance for determination of water absorption and vapor diffusion - Gas permeation equipment for analysis of gas transport through porous materials - Equipment for the determination of solution diffusion in barrier layers/seals
Electrochemistry - Cyclic voltammetry - Impedance spectroscopy (10 μHz - 250 kHz) - Constant current cycling - Glovebox (organic electrolytes) - Measuring cells for half- and full-cell measurements (optionally also with in-situ dilatometry) - Four-pole arrangement for the determination of electrical conductivity - BatteryCell for the structural characterization of electrochemical systems in-operando with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
Further analytics - Mobile mass spectrometer for gas analysis (mass numbers up to 200 amu) - Ultrasonic transit time measurements for determination of E-module - H2 permeation on sealing materials up to 300 bar