Project highlights

Climate Neutral Buildings and Cities

CAE Project highlights Climate Neutral Buildings and Cities

(AI-based controller for comfort-based control of thermal systems and control loops to increase the energy and resource efficiency of buildings)

In the BMBF-funded research project an AI-based controller for comfort-based control of thermal systems and control loops to increase the energy and resource efficiency of buildings (acronym KICk-StARtER-G) is being developed.
The project’s main innovation lies in the multidimensional optimization through the combination of hardware and software components with new intelligent and predictive methods for building control using machine learning (ML). Telemetry data from the Energy Efficiency Center (EEC, headquarter of the CAE), additional sensor data, a digital twin model of the building and weather forecasts are used to determine set-points for controlling heating and cooling, sun shading devices and artificial lighting and fed back into the EEC's existing building automation system. By correlating data and input commands with feedback from the building's users, the control and forecasting algorithms can be continuously improved to ensure that the building is highly energy efficient and comfortable at the same time.
By providing immediate energy saving potentials in building operation, the envisioned software-as-a-service & hardware solution can be transferred to other buildings, contributing to a sustainable energy transition.

Funding body: BMBF, funding code: 01|S23003A
Duration from 01.03.2023 to 28.02.2026


Building physics evaluation of green façades and roofs. Development of standardized measurement methods and characteristic data acquisition for the consideration of green roofs in the energetic design of buildings.
The CAE has been researching green roof systems in conjunction with innovative façade technology for some time. This has now resulted in the U-green project. In it, commercially available façade and roof greening systems are first classified and then characterized in terms of building physics and thermal performance. This will make it possible to reliably determine the thermal insulation effect and evaporation performance of greening components and systems.

Funding body: BMWi, funding code: 03EN1045A
Duration from 01.08.2021 to 31.10.2025

Foto: Yen Strandqvist/Johan Bodell/Chalmers University of Technology.


Development of a hybrid solar collector for photoisomeric and thermal energy storage. In the EU-funded MOST project, an overall system is being developed in which solar energy that is volatile due to photoisomerism can be stored long-term and without losses so that it can subsequently be used for heating buildings. The overall system consists of a hybrid collector, storage units, heat generation module and consumer (e.g. building). CAE has the task of developing a special hybrid collector for the requirements of the project, which deviate significantly from the requirements placed on commercially available collectors, from a functional model on a laboratory scale to practice in several stages.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951801

Funding body: EU, funding code: 951801
Duration from 01.09.2020 to 31.10.2024


Development and monitoring of an overall system for the combined regenerative supply of buildings with heating, cooling, electricity and fresh air.
The project goal is an innovative overall concept for the combined regenerative supply of buildings with heating, cooling, electricity and fresh air. The focus is on the most comprehensive and efficient use of available regenerative environmental energy and the linking with LowEx systems for building cooling, heating and ventilation. The core of the system is a PVT collector that simultaneously generates electricity, heat and cooling from purely renewable sources.

Funding body: BMWi, funding code: 03EN1009A
Duration from 01.01.2020 to 31.05.2025