Project highlights

Smart Functional Materials

CAE NetPVStore - Development of a grid-serving photovoltaic storage system using ultracapacitors

Development of a grid-serving photovoltaic storage system using ultracapacitors

Fluctuations in solar irradiation caused mainly by cloud movement are unavoidable, but they pose a problem for photovoltaics because they can stress the power electronics on the one hand and have a negative impact on grid stability on the other.

Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop a converter-storage unit, consisting of photovoltaic (PV) modules and short-term storage units, which will significantly smooth power fluctuations of PV systems in the range of seconds to minutes and thus provide renewable energy in grid-serving quality.

The new storage system consists of photovoltaic modules as well as ultra-fast electrical short-term storage units adapted to them and control electronics with inverters. After a three-year development and optimization phase at laboratory level, the new system is to be installed in the form of a demonstration plant in the grid and evaluated under real conditions in a one-year monitoring phase.

Sponsor: BMWi, funding code: 03EI4021A
Duration from 01.12.2020 to 30.11.2023

CAE ISBA Insulation Solution based on Aerogels

ISBA Insulation Solution based on Aerogels

Aerogels are highly open-porous nanostructured materials with very low bulk density and exceptionally low thermal conductivity, which makes them particularly interesting for space applications.
Market-leading end-users such as Ariane Group, Thales Alenia Space and Air Liquide present state-of-the-art applications ranging from satellites to tanks for launch vehicles.
The aim of the ISBA project is to develop European-made material solutions to high maturity levels (TRL 7) and reduce dependency outside Europe. The aerogel materials will be developed by leading European research groups, including DLR (DE), Tecnalia Research & Innovation (ES), the Center for Applied Energy Research (DE), KEEY Aerogel (FR) and the University of Debrecen (HU). The project consortium also includes Hutchinson (FR), responsible for wrapping technologies for packaging the aerogels.

Funding body EU, funding code: 101082573
Duration from 01.11.2022 to 31.10.2025


Foto: @Universität Leipzig

Structure-property relationships for hierarchically structured silica monoliths as a model system for innovative inorganic insulating materials

CAE, the KIT Institute for Solid Construction and Building Materials Technology, Department of Building Materials and Concrete Construction, and the Institute of Technical Chemistry, Chair of Chemical Reaction Engineering, of the University of Leipzig are jointly searching for innovative solutions for thermal insulation materials.
The joint research project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), aims to develop basic principles for the description of complex porous building materials and to make a significant contribution to the provision of sustainably developed thermal insulation materials for future applications in the field of building physics optimization

The DFG-funded joint research project is scheduled to run for 36 months.

Funding body: DFG, funding code: RE 1148/15-1
Duration from 01.03.2021 to 30.11.2024 

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